Chapter seven: "Say yes-up to the dress-up. Well, if you had read my third book, You'd know exactly why I'm wearing this. I thought you were gonna- Please tell me this doesn't happen every time I go to the store. They said Chloe wore her costume to class again. Okay, but first If I have to track you to the ends of the earth, and if it takes me the rest of my days! Bye! The school called. Let me say that again with my right hand in my pocket. I will find out what you're hiding, If I have to track you to the ends of the earth, And if it takes me the rest of my days! You know I can be a little compulsive. If anyone finds out Stan's secret, They'll take him away and do experiments on him. He's right on the other side of that door. You know math isn't my thing Math-math-math I know! And so the cat says nothing! Because cats are stupid! Shh! Stan just told me the greatest joke. Well, now I can create this wonderful auto-tune. Will you be competing at the x-squared games? You know math isn't my thing. Well, I am off to get ready for the school-wide math competition Saturday. What brainless baboon would buy those? Oh, cool! They're in! And remember, I still have a mug and a mouse pad coming. Karl, go away! You're a creepy little liar, And I wish you would get out of my house. Like flowing me these, yo! Hello, neighbor. Humans are also capable of awesome acts of goodness. Why do they call it a "Dog eat dog" World? Dogs don't treat each other badly, but look what Karl did to Avery. I'm avenged! I didn't know that about the vikings. I heard your mother say it to your piano teacher.
Karl fink and avery jennings cracker#
You have been finked! Graham cracker stealer! Really? Why did you go through all this when you could have just squirted me when I walked through the door? Why did the vikings pull their enemies' lungs out, and splay them across their chest? Because it's fun! You are a cruel, deceitful, and vindictive little man. We should be friends, and as a symbol of our new start, Please accept these flowers. The point is We're the two smartest kids in school. Did your father pass? No, he's at the international space station. See papa, I know it now! I'm sorry, Karl. And if you're going to be mad at me for anything, It should be for besting you at this year's spelling bee With the word: xanthosis. I did not steal your graham crackers, Karl. Like stealing my graham crackers at little genius science camp. I know we've had our differences in the past, But I've made peace with all the wrongs you've done me. And Steve has finally built up enough stamina to walk briskly. And before you try anything, the hall monitors know where I am. Please don't do that thing where you talk together. And thank you for tagging along, Avery's sidekick. This is the infamous Karl Fink, our next door neighbor, and Avery's sworn enemy since little smarty science camp when he tried to weaponize cooties. Fun to say, and fun to eat! Hello, ladies. Even if it means missing lunch on taco Tuesday. I'll either need a witness, or someone to help me gnaw through the ropes. Look, whatever he has planned, thanks for coming with me. Dog With a Blog S01E08 The Bone Identity Why does Karl want to meet you in the drama classroom? Why does Karl think do anything? He's pure evil. And strut, and strut, and turn Strike a pose. She was selling "Fairy dust" And "Happy dreams" at lunch for two bucks a pop. Aww, but she's adorable! And she's just expressing her inner sense of magic. They have a strict "No costume" Policy, And her teacher thinks the whole "Chloe the magnificent" Thing Has gotten a little out of hand. My teacher says I can't be "Chloe the magnificent" At school anymore.

Karl fink and avery jennings plus#
Atomic shock and Plus a blast! Yes! The patient Roosevelt, suffers from an irrational fear of Fear itself.